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Leetcode 701. Insert into a binary search tree
Today we will be going over Leetcode 701 - Insert into a binary search tree. This is a classic DFS (depth-first search) problem we will implement using recursion.
Today we will be going over Leetcode 701 - Insert into a binary search tree. This is a classic DFS (depth-first search) problem we will implement using recursion.
Today we will be reviewing Leetcode 103 - Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal which provides a good use case for breadth first traversal (BFS) of a tree.
Today we will being going over Leetcode 111 - Minimum Depth of Binary Tree. This is a classic DFS (depth first search) problem we will implement using recursion.
Let's take a look at yet another classic in-place array problem with LeetCode 88 - Merge Sorted Array
Let's take a look at a classic in-place array problem with LeetCode 27 - Remove Element
It's time to mix an array problem with some light dynamic programming in LeetCode 121 - Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits
Hello there! Today we will continue our journey into linked lists with Leetcode 203 - Remove Linked List Elements. This is a quite common question to solve with regards to efficiently removing nodes from a linked list.
Hello and welcome to another algorithm problem review! Today we will continue diving down the linked list rabbit hole to discuss Leetcode 206 - Reverse Linked List
After a rash of string and array problems I thought we would take a break today and start discussing linked lists. To start out let's take a closer look at Leetcode 141 - Linked List Cycle
We continue looking into array problems with LeetCode 1295 - Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits
I am back after a brief hiatus! Over the next several posts we are going to cover some very common array problems. Let's start with LeetCode 485 - Max Consecutive Ones
It's been a lot of fun completing one algorithm problem a day! I feel there is plenty time to go but I firmly believe given enough variety (and time) I will better master critical concepts. We previous have worked on two sum and atoi() which involve some clever tricks and helper methods that JavaScript provides. Today we are going to talk about something a little different and start dipping our toes into the concept of recursion and iterative solutions with leetcode 70 climbing stairs.
atoi() is a very classic C library function that converts character string into an integer. Otherwise if it is unable to do so it returns the integer 0. Now of course if you've visited Mozilla's famous MDN website to get help on web technologies atoi conspiculously returns no results. Because as it turns out we have other methods/practices for converting numbers to string (and vice versa). But to me the real challenge of this problem is not necessarily figuring out how to convert a string to a number but rather all the corner cases one must consider to implement an atoi() function in JavaScript.
As I mentioned in my about me section I do not have a traditional CS degree. My background consists of being a former semiconductor test engineer with a MS in Electrical Engineering and a Bachelors in Applied Mathematics. I have learned so much in the past one and a half years as I have continued to build things.
That being said I feel at this point there is a strong need for me to work on the data structure and algorithm fundamentals I never learned. So over the course of the remainder of the year I will be digging into many of these topics and as I write solutions (this example is Leetcode based) I hope to share with you my thought process and code.